What Should You Expect from Your Business Intermediary?

Eventually every business owner needs to sell or think about who will take over their business when they retire. Working with an intermediary is an easy and streamlined way to jumpstart the process and learn what mistakes to avoid. A business broker or M&A advisor can help you to understand what steps to take to achieve optimal results. 

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

First, it is simply critical to understand that selling a business is a team effort. No seller should begin working with an intermediary with the idea that the intermediary will do “all the work.” The reality is that in order to achieve a successful sale, it is necessary for the seller and the intermediary to work closely and engage in a good deal of communication. 

Other key people such as executives and advisors will also have to work closely with your business broker or M&A advisor. Without a doubt, selling a business is a group effort that will need cooperation from many parties. For example, you’ll also need the cooperation of key management and team members when a prospective buyer visits the business.

Prepare for an Extended Process 

Another essential point to remember is that selling a business can take time. It is common for the sales process to take between six months to a year, but it can also take even longer than that. Sellers should enter the sales process realizing that they will be working closely with their chosen intermediary for a considerable period of time. That means that you’ll want to be sure to keep your intermediary well informed regarding any developments with your business for an extended period of time.

Be Open to Ideas 

Third, remember that your intermediary has invaluable experience and that you hired them to guide you through the process. It is not necessary that you blindly follow all their advice; however, it is essential that you be receptive to all their suggestions. 

Your intermediary may have years, if not decades, of proven experience selling businesses just like yours. It only makes sense to take advantage of that experience as much as possible. Your intermediary may have suggestions about what type of buyer you should be targeting or they may even have ideas as to how you can change your business to make it more attractive to prospective buyers. When intermediaries know that they have a receptive audience with a given buyer, they will feel more comfortable providing valuable suggestions.

The time to contact an intermediary about selling your business is now. Getting a business ready to sell takes time, effort and preparation. The sooner you begin working with a business broker or M&A advisor, the sooner you can begin charting a path to eventual success.

Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.
