How to Keep Employees Engaged During an Ownership Transition

Ensuring that your employees stay on course during your ownership transition should be one of your key areas of focus.  There are many key steps that you should take during this delicate time.  Let’s explore the best tips for keeping your employees engaged throughout the entire ownership transition process.


Step 1 – Establish and Implement a Training Program Early On

If you are selling your business, then be certain that you train replacements early on in the process.  Failure to do so can result in significant disruptions.  Additionally, if you are buying a business it is of paramount importance that you are 100% confident that there are competent people staying on board after the sale.


Step 2 – Address Employee Concerns

No matter what your employees say or how they act, you must assume that they are worried about the future.  After all, if you were them wouldn’t you be concerned at the prospect of a sale?  The best way to address these concerns is to meet with employees in small groups and discuss their concerns.


Step 3 – Don’t Make Drastic Changes

Above all else, you want a smooth and fluid transition period.  A key way to ensure that this time is as trouble-free as possible is to refrain from making any drastic changes before or after the transition.  Remember the sale of the business is, in and of itself, shocking enough.

You don’t want to add yet more disruption into the process by making changes that could be confusing or unsettling.  In other words, keep the waters as calm as possible.  Drastic changes could lead to employees quitting or worst of all, going to work for a competitor.


Step 4 – Focus on the Benefits

If possible focus on the benefits to your employees.  It is your job as the new business owner to outline how the sale will benefit everyone.  Don’t let your employees’ imaginations run wild with speculation.  Unfortunately, this is exactly what happens when employees and management feel as though they are not receiving any information about the sale.  So don’t be mysterious or cryptic.  Instead provide your employees with information, and keep the focus on how the changes will benefit them both personally and professionally.

Implementing these four steps will go a very long way towards helping to ensure a smooth transition period.  Transition periods can be handled adeptly; it just takes preparation and patience.


Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.
