5 Tips for Buyers of International Businesses

The decision to buy an international business is no doubt quite serious.  There are numerous factors that must be taken into consideration when deciding whether or not an international business purchase is the right move.  Let’s take a closer look.

Tip #1 – Relocating Vs. Hiring a Manager

Buying an international business can also mean a substantial life change.  Before jumping into the process, it is critical that you know whether you will be relocating or hiring a manager to run your newly acquired business.

Obviously, owning a business is a substantial responsibility and you’ll want to ensure that you know exactly what is going on with your new acquisition.  Sometimes that means actually being there.  The bottom line is that you will either have to relocate or hire a manager.

Tip #2 – Regulations

Understanding regulations, taxes and customs are another must for buyers of international businesses.  A failure to factor in these elements can literally undo one’s business or at the very least place you at a competitive disadvantage.  The time and money you invest in learning how regulations, taxes and customs work in this new territory is time and money well spent.

Tip #3 – Research Similar Businesses

You will want to invest your time into research.  In particular, you will want to research similar businesses that already exist in the place where you are investing.  Why are those businesses successful?  What could you do to improve on their model or approach?  Don’t assume that just because you know how businesses fare in the United States that this knowledge will always translate over to other countries.

Tip #4 – Be Aware of Potential Cultural Differences

It is important to be aware of cultural differences during the negotiation process, but this is really just the beginning.  Cultural differences do not end once the negotiation process is over.  They have ramifications in areas including everything from dealing with your staff and vendors to getting professional assistance from people such as local accountants and lawyers.  You will need to be aware of cultural differences and perhaps even learn to speak the language if you want your business to be a thriving success.

Tip #5 – Hire a Business Broker

Business brokers are experts in buying and selling all kinds of businesses and that includes international businesses.  There are many layers to owning an international business and business brokers can help you navigate the waters.  The sizable expertise that a business broker brings to the table can help save you considerable amount of frustration and confusion.

These five tips are invaluable for helping you determine whether you should opt for an international business and/or how to proceed once you’ve decided to move forward.  There can be big opportunities in owning an international business, but it is critical to proceed with a clear cut strategy.


Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.

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